Monday, January 14, 2008

12/07 pictures

Still figuring out this blogger thing...I can't figure out how to make pictures appear in a certain order, so these are backwards. Here are a few of the pictures from our December. The above picture is the "Super Hero Super Fighters" in their new capes. They are ready to protect the dining room from Swiper and the evil Shredder. And, yes, Aidan is wearing underwear over his diaper. That's an entirely different post of it's own.

Here is a shot of Dane, Grammy, and Aunt Val on Christmas Eve upon the completion of their Gingerbread House. They were so proud! No, we did not eat the Gingerbread House. It wasn't lookin' too fresh after a few days of display in our kitchen.
Christmas morning: Santa made it down our chimney and the stockings were filled. It was such a fun year, and Dane and Aidan had a great time. They must have been very good boys last year. (Or, Santa may not have been watching TOO closely. Maybe he's nearsighted :)

We love seeing the local Christmas light display, and here are a couple of my favorites of all my boys. Dane was ignoring the "do not touch the lights" sign. Maybe that was merely a suggestion.

Christmas Saturday at Aunt Val and Uncle Izzy's house. I don't know who enjoyed Cousin Joel's new wagon more. My vote is Aidan.


  1. Love the pictures. Even though I've already heard the stories, I was still laughing... Alex loves the picture of the kids jumping with their capes.

  2. That picture of them jumping looks like a panel out of a comic book.
