Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bubbles at the Park

This past Friday we caught up with Aunt Adrienne, Aunt Val, and Baby Joel for a picnic in the park.  Apparently, a lot of other people decided to go to the park on Friday, also.  I'm kind glad Spring Break is almost over.  I want my park back!  We were all having a fun time eating our sandwiches and chips, when Aunt Val pulled out the big bottle of bubbles.  What is more fun than bubbles for our 3 boys?  Well, nothing.  Okay, maybe if there were actually Ninja Turtles blowing the bubbles.  While riding in race cars.  And eating candy.  That would make bubbles more fun.  We never even made it to the playground--the bubbles were just too interesting.  I had the great idea that we would take some cute pictures of the cousins together, but this was as close as we got.

Brandon and I have discussions about who our children look like.  Dane resembles me and my side of the family, while Aidan, well, just see for yourself.  Check out these pictures of Aidan and his Aunt/Twin/Doppelganger Adrienne.
This one is Aidan trying to catch flies with his giant tongue.  Seriously.  Have you ever seen a tongue that huge on a kid?
Here is Dane experiencing the exquisite joy that is having bubbles blown directly in your face.  It's very fun, apparently.
Sweet Joel had this expression on his face most of the day.  I think he may have been a bit overwhelmed by all the cousins.
We also did "Cousin Pictures" at Target on Friday.  They turned out very cute.  If I can figure out how, I will post them on the blog (did I mention I'm less than competent on this computer)?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!  Pictures of Easter will be here in a couple of days.  I'm running a bit behind.  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. cute! I feel honored to be on your blog :o) So glad I could see you guys last week! Love y'all. Check your mail!
