Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Plague

This weekend was supposed to be another road trip to Dallas. "Wedding weekend #2". There was a mom's lasagna dinner to eat, a bridal brunch to attend, an aunt's birthday party to celebrate, a beautiful wedding Saturday night, and a baby shower on Sunday to wrap up the weekend.

Instead, we are confined to our house. Between the four of us, there are one case of bronchitis, 3 infected ears, one ruptured ear drum, one "death cough", 4 antibiotics, 5 trips to the doctor this week, many, many breathing treatments, and one very angry tummy. And of course, a 4 year old with energy to spare.

The plague has struck the house. We are afraid to venture outside, lest lightning strike us on this clear day in Houston.

Did I mention Brandon will be leading worship tomorrow morning? I caution you to sit at least 3 rows back, outside of the "germ zone". Aidan and I will be worshipping from home tomorrow.
Wouldn't it have been much more interesting to read about our fun weekend in Dallas? Check out John or Brandy's blog. Maybe they'll have pictures from what was supposed to be the fun weekend I was having. Congratulations Cliff and Andi! I'm sure the wedding was beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Bummer! Just watched Jon and Kate plus 8 last night and they had the flu....all of the kids! No fun!! Makes me lean more towards a small family :)
