Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Must Read

Sometimes I run across blogs (you know, when I'm sitting around eating bon-bons and surfing the net while the children happily play educational games together) that I cannot stop reading.  Please check this one out:

Warning:  this is a highly addictive blog.  An amazing testimony written by a husband and father about the faithfulness and perfect timing of God.  If you have an extra couple of hours, start from the very beginning and read up until now.  Uh-mazing.  Otherwise, just get caught up by clicking on the link on the right side of the blog.  Enjoy and be blessed.  Have tissues handy, sister-in-laws of mine.  Don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. The link won't pull up...HELP! Stephanie is the queen of long naps and there is only so much cleaning I can do :)

  2. That is one of the coolest blogs...so inspirational. And yes, you were right about at least one of your sister-in-laws...

  3. Make that "you were right about TWO of your sisters-in-law." Geez, Mandy, you're killing us softies!
