Sunday, April 6, 2008

The New Kid

Here's some more pictures of the newest cousin.  Can you tell I'm proud?  I won't be able to see him for another 2 1/2 weeks, so you can anticipate several "picture posts" between now and then.  I love this picture for so many reasons.  (Click on it to make it bigger--you do not want to miss John's face).  The expression on John's face is priceless new-Daddy glee, and Not-Quite-Uncle-Andy's face in the reflection is pretty great, too.  Ten points to the person who can correctly identify the object in Andy's hand.
Here is the new Mommy with Baby Zane:
..and Pappy checkin' out the newest camper:
I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Mine was filled with becoming an aunt again, and saying phrases I never thought I would hear myself say, such as "Try to pee-pee in the water!" and "No, I will not smell your fingers." 

The other night, I was tucking Dane into bed at night.  He has a pile of stuffed animals that he shares his bed with.  When I was tucking him in, I noticed that Baby Puppy was not in his usual place in the pile.  Dane had taken one of those little "decorative pillows" (the kind that hang on a doorknob and say things like "Sleep Tight" or "Little Prince"), and Baby Puppy was laying on the little pillow with Dane's blankie tucked around him.  I was then told that "all the animals are sleeping.  But Baby Puppy is just pretending to be asleep."  Dane frequently gets busted at naptime pretending to be asleep himself.  But I let Baby Puppy slide.


  1. it was a sterile mask that i had acquired, but i was wearing it as a hat of course! zane is awesome, i gave him a mohawk today, now all he needs is a tomahawk.


    n.q.u. andy

  2. i just noticed lindy beat me to the punch... arg

  3. well, it's hard to get two sentences out in only 4 minutes.

  4. I thought maybe it was one of Lindy's purses...

  5. and what is really bizarre is that i think john and i were making eye contact. (typed in 15 seconds)

  6. Andy's Jewish right? I think it's a yarmulke (Yah-mah-kah).

  7. Zane is a cutie...we like mohawks in our house, too. (see blog)

  8. Jared and I guessed surgical mask before we even read the comments. Can we please still have 10 points?
