Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just Now

We are going to a birthday party today.  It's at a karate place, and the boys have been looking forward to it for a couple of days.  I put Aidan down for an early nap, and me and Dane were having some "big boy time" while I was trying to get rid of this HORRIBLE MIGRAINE HEADACHE that is seriously threatening my party mood.

I needed a hug.  Badly.  So I requested one from Dane.  I told him I didn't feel good and he had to hug me right now or he wasn't going to the karate party.  Bad Mommy. 

I was denied.  Dane wanted to play, not cuddle.  So he went outside to play for a while, then came back inside to do arts and crafts with me at the kitchen table.  Much easier to do arts and crafts with a bad headache, than play Memory or watch annoying kids shows on TV. 

My boy is so sweet.  My head is killing me and my stomach hurts because I have eaten an embarrassing amount of blackberries over the past 24 hours.  I should be playing with him and reading with him and teaching him numbers and words and instead I just want to crawl into bed with an ice pack on my head and a bowl of blackberries (something is wrong with me, I know).  Instead I sit at the table, playing on the computer while he is coloring with his markers and being so sweet and quiet.

"Mom, look how good I am coloring."

"Dane, I am so proud of you.  I am proud of how good you are coloring and how smart you are.  Thank you for being so good behaved and so sweet today.  I love you, bubba."

My big four year old boy climbs out of his chair, over the table, and crawls into my lap and gives me a great big boy hug around my neck with lots of kisses and a head on my shoulder.

"Mom, do I get to go to the karate party now?"


  1. Hello Mandy!!! I hope your head feels better.

    Now you don't have to stare at the sad and lonely "0" under the comment section. I feel your pain. For a new member to the Benge blog you have shown excellent comment participation. All threats of ceasing blog posts were not directed at you:)

  2. Ohhhh...sweet little Dane-O! I needed that story today. Love y'all and hope you're feeling better, Mandy!
