Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kentucky Part 1

This past weekend, the boys and I went with my parents up to western Kentucky for a family reunion.  I haven't made it up to Kentucky in 5 years (Aidan was not a great car traveler as a baby), so it was great to catch up with everyone and try to figure out who was married to who.  I actually sat across the table for 10 minutes from one of my cousins before I recognized him as a cousin, not a new husband of one of my many other cousins.  

The weekend consisted of one family reunion, one hospitalization, one milestone birthday, one wedding, countless cousins, 26+ hours in the car, and 27 pounds of fresh strawberries.  (It will take several blog posts for me to fully document this weekend.)

Grandma's 90th birthday this weekend, and we all enjoyed a slideshow complete with horrible clothing choices our parents have made for us throughout our childhoods.    (What was with the matching plaid shirts and knee-shorts?)  One of my cousins made this wicked-awesome cake for GG.  It was strawberry cake with cream cheese icing, and did I mention there were strawberries?  Holy smokes, that was some good cake.
The birthday girl is the chipper young thing seated second from the left in the sassy jacket.  Please note my cousin Johnny wearing the dashing sport coat over the bright orange "Olena is 90" t-shirt.  He's so fancy.  Just adds a whole new level of style to the ensemble. 
I had a great time catching up with all my cousins (there's about 20 or so) and meeting all the new husbands and wives that have joined the fam in the last 5 years.  I felt like some of them had been there all along.  (There's another cousin pic I wanted to put here, also, but it's not loading.)  My cousin Nita is on the left, and I haven't seen her in forever.  She has gotten married since I last saw her.  Congratulations to Fran, the cute chick in the middle.  She just finished her PhD!  I am slowly but surely becoming the dumbest person in my family...
My cousin Meagan got married Saturday, and unfortunately this is the only picture I got of the bride and groom.  (And look!  Johnny is in the background pre-orange shirt.  And I think he saw my camera.)
Many more pictures from our Kentucky trip will follow in the next several days, including lots of Dane and Aidan and some pictures of barns that my mother made me take.  Hope your Memorial Day weekend is just as eventful!

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