Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kentucky Part 3

Greetings from the weird smiling tree face!

Friday when we were up in Kentucky, my mom and I drove around and took pictures of barns.  We also saw this gem of a tree while we were trespassing on someone's front property.  Who thinks to themselves "All that tree needs is a welcoming smile."  I wonder if they modeled the features on an actual person.  As in, "Hey, that tree looks just like Gramps!"

We also saw this cute little barn while we were running away from the owner's dog.  It's so cute it makes me want to put a barn in my backyard.  Why not?  If my next door neighbors can have a goat, why can't I have a barn?
Tom took the boys riding around on tractors this past weekend.  Aidan was very concerned about dehydration while on the tractor.  We have half a dozen pictures of him on this tractor with his Sponge Bob sippy cup.  

On Friday, the boys went with Pappy, and several other cousins to pick strawberries.  Pappy did not bring the camera.  But they did pick 27 pounds of strawberries.  And that's the half that Aidan didn't eat while he was picking.  After eating his weight in strawberries, Aidan went to my aunt's house to do a little vacuuming while eating a Moon Pie.  Some may consider this practice counterproductive, but he was simply multi-tasking.  He's a multi-tasking fool.

Several months ago, before Aidan could say the word "vacuum", he would just point to the vacuum cleaner and say "Daddy".  Okay, so I don't vacuum.  I do, however, enjoy never-ending loads of laundry.
I have several pictures just like this one, taken several years apart, of Nita, Miranda, and me.  I think we looked better a few years ago.  I did, anyways.
This marks the end of making people look at my Kentucky pictures on my blog.  I don't know what I am going to put on my blog now, since I won't be going back for another year or so.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot. You can come back to KY ANYTIME! Just the next time you come you have to bring Bradon too! REALLY enjoyed getting to see you and the boys. Hope you have fully recovered from spending a few days in "the heart of God's country!"
