Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sometimes We Blow Stuff Up

Happy Belated 4th of July!  (aka "the 6th of July")

I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July filled with good family, good food, and explosive devices.  Being oh so sentimental and patriotic, I took advantage of the opportunity to work a 12 hour shift without having to pay a babysitter.  (Time and a half?  Yes, please.)  

There's just nothing more American than that.  

I did triage a teenager who got run over by a parade float.  A 12 foot long Uncle Sam attacked him.  How ON EARTH you manage to get run over by a giant parade float moving at 2 miles per hour is beyond understanding.  (He's fine.)

We squeezed in some time in the evening for some driveway-fireworks and sparklers.  My boys are now pyros for life, and they are of the opinion that every night should include exploding tanks and bottle rockets.  I even got to take some cool sparkler pictures of the kiddos.

Happy July 6th!


  1. I love seeing sparkler pics. They always turn out so cool. So I guess our boys should never get together or they might give ol' Smokey a run for his money!

  2. I haven't read your blog in a little over a week and I feel like I have missed out on a year's worth of information!!!:) I am so glad Brandon made it home safe!!! yippie!!

  3. What fun! Great photos!
