Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Love this Kid

My Dane is such a cool kid.  He says the funniest things.  Since I don't scrapbook, (or keep a baby book, as long as I'm being honest), I wanted to record some of my favorite Dane-isms so I don't forget them:

Lately he has been very concerned about germs.  I don't exactly know where this is coming from, because we do not harp on germs often.  He was about to drink out of Aidan's cup and he wiped the lid off before he would take a sip.  Nasty little brother cooties.

He knows 15 Bible verses, not including the Lord's Prayer.  They are:
1 John 5:3
1 John 4:11
Hebrews 10:24
Joshua 24:15
Phillipians 2:5
John 3:16
John 3:17
Isaiah 66:1
Acts 2:38
Psalm 34:8
Proverbs 22:6
John 11:35
Matthew 7:1
Hebrews 10:9
Psalm 27:4
and the Lord's Prayer

He uses big words he hears out of context.  I was snuggling him the other evening pre-bath time, and I said to him, "Dane, you smell like a little boy.".  He promptly snuggled me right back and said, "Mom, you smell like an obstacle."

His father has introduced him to all of the weird cartoons he himself was hooked on until inappropriately late in life (like into his 30s).  Dane now loves Pokemon, Ninja Turtles, and playing Pokemon on his father's 1989 Nintendo Gameboy.

When he gets a cut or a scrape, he frantically finds a bandaid for the minor wound.  The next day, the bandaid has been removed, and Dane in his childlike faith marvels that "Look how fast God is healing my elbow, mommy."

At bedtime the other night I was tucking him in and he says, "Wait, Mom.  I forgot to take off my bionic arm."  So he takes it off, and hangs it on the wall next to his bed.

Love you, Dane-o!


  1. Josh and I LOVE reading about your boys! They are so precious!!! You guys are awesome parents :)

  2. for whatever reason i haven't seen you in forever, but I found a TMNT sound track in my garage last weekend that I wanted to give to the boys. You know all three of them.
