Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Aidan's Birthday Party Part 1

Sunday afternoon during the Gulf Coast Evacuation of 2008 (Hello, Gustav), we were having a big ole' birthday party for my newest three-year-old.  We do very laid back birthday parties.  The boys like inviting all their church friends, and we like inviting all our local family, so we just had everyone over to the house for some cake and a good old fashioned water gun fight.  Almost 20 kiddos and a few wet daddies and mommies played outside with the water guns, Slip n Slide, and about 100 water balloons while the rest of the family and grown ups stayed inside enjoying the tepid air conditioning that decided to go out for a few hours before the party on Sunday.

Lovely timing.  

I think the kids would have stayed outside for several hours if we had not brought them inside for additional birthday party activities.  Even the cheap-o Slip n Slide was a big hit.

Aidan got a hold of a big water gun and it took him a while to figure out which direction to point it:
He went to the Michael Phelps School of How To Wear Your Swimsuit Uncomfortably Low:
After about an hour of water fun, we brought the kids in for some present opening, where Aidan brought in quite the impressive toy-haul, and Dane tried to steal all of the presents.  He also got these cool light-up Diego shoes:
I wonder how old he will be when I have to stop buying practical things I would have gotten him anyway, and wrapping them up and calling them presents.  Do I have a couple more years left?

Finally, CAKE TIME!!  Aidan ended up with a cute Kung Fu Panda cake, and it DISAPPEARED into the throngs of hungry mouths at our house that day.  There was a lot of cake, and not a single piece leftover.
Blowing out candles...

I love the kiddo in the shades in this picture.  His future's so bright, man.
I'll post more about the party and all the fun accompanying family time later this week.  I need to go check on my overly quiet children.  I'm pretty sure they are eating gum for breakfast...

1 comment:

  1. John got some great shots! That one of Aidan spraying himself in the face is awesome! Miss you guys already-- it was so good to see you.
