Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Will Never Eat Cake Again

This past weekend I made a quick trip up to the Dallas area to go to my sister's bridal shower.  My baby sister is getting married in about 7 weeks (not that anyone is counting down).  I got to see my G.G. while I was there, and enjoyed a church nap with my nephew Zane.  Or maybe he enjoyed the nap while I just held him.  

Um, these church women know how to throw a bridal shower.  Good gravy, did Lindy score a lot of loot.  It makes me want to register for gifts for my birthday.  And the best part of the weekend?  (Other than seeing my grandma and family and sweet sleeping nephew of course.)  Instead of cake at the shower, the Church Women had homemade PIES.  Not Kroger cake.  Homemade pies.  Like, eight of them.  

Pure genius, I tell you.

I didn't get any pictures of my grandma or the rest of my family or even my sweet snuggly nephew Zane. 

Just the pies.

A girl's gotta have priorities.

1 comment:

  1. You know jeremy fike only lieks pie, right? maybe he was onto something...i think pictures of pies are GREAT by the way!
