Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two Soccer Players

Two soccer players started their soccer season last Saturday.

One soccer player loves to play.  He loves scoring goals and kicking and making buddies on his team.  He's usually right in the middle of all the action.  (Pictured in white).
He's leading the charge, and possibly scored a goal.
Another soccer player played in his first game, too.

Maybe "played" is a bit of a stretch.  (Pictured center, in white.  As if it were hard to tell.)  I don't think exactly understood how the game was played.  Everyone kept taking the ball from him, and he didn't take it very well.  I guess it's kind of like having 9 older brothers.
Then he did this for a while:

Perhaps the next 6 games will go better for little Aidan.  Or maybe this will be just more money the YMCA makes off of his hopeful parents.  (See:  swim lessons).

Tomorrow we head to Dallas to go to the State Fair, and spend a few days with family and friends and recovering from the fried-food hangover we're sure to have from our afternoon at the fair.  Chicken-fried bacon is being served this year.  Angioplasty, here we come!

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