Sunday, November 16, 2008

From Lindy's Wedding

After an extraordinarily lazy week of doing practically nothing, I have finally gotten around to blogging a few more pictures from Lindy and Andy's wedding last weekend.

Here is our little family.  Thanks to some super cute school pictures taken last week of the boys, this will not be our Christmas card picture:
Aidan with his signature pose:

And with his co-ring bearer, Gage, Andy's precious nephew:
You thought I was joking about the "signature pose" thing, didn't you?

Dane passed out programs, which were designed by Uncle Andy himself, and they were very cool and original.
Some quality cousin time:
(By the way, this is the best Aidan's flower looked the whole night.)

Here's what my children chose to do during the reception:

There may have been a bride and groom at the wedding, also, but I'm still waiting on a few of those pics...


  1. So fun! Kati got married last weekend also.....and I just posted those pics yesterday :) Still waiting on Kimmi's.....I'm sure she'll have more of Kati and Wade (and less of Miss Stephie Jo :) How are you feeling?

  2. I love the family pic, but I think the signature pose should go on the Christmas cards.

  3. CUTE! That's a really good family shot of all you guys lookin' spiffed up. :o) We're looking forward to seeing you this week! Love y'all!

  4. You looks fabulous in the picture for how terrible you said you felt...i vote with becky that the signature pose should be in christmas cards...

  5. Your family picture is GREAT! I love signature pose, we do that one at our house too!! :)
