Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Program

Dane and Aidan had a Christmas program at school the last weekend.  I have video, and if I ever figure out how to post a snippet, I will.  

The kids' teachers have been telling us about the program for a couple of months now.  Dane landed the coveted role of "Manger Mouse" and we were adequately warned that a costume would need to be provided.  Nothing strikes fear into the heart of this Uncreative Mama than the knowledge that a costume would need to be provided.  Fortunately for us, he was a Manger Mouse, not the Christ child himself.  Because a Manger Mouse can get away with a grey sweatsuit and some ears fashioned by his Grammy.  I still had to manage eyeliner-whiskers on the cheeks, and I spent several days trying to figure out how to make a tail from un-needed (but NOT stolen from my workplace) oxygen tubing.  A can of grey spraypaint later, and the mouse had a tail.

Though I knew what Dane was supposed to wear, I had no idea what the teacher wanted Aidan to wear.  I found out 1 day before the program that his class was to dress in their "Christmas clothes or Sunday best."  How convenient.  Especially since all my child has with him, not in storage, is several pairs of blue jeans, a Ninja Turtle costume, and a tuxedo from Lindy's wedding.  

So guess what he wore?
And I think the tux goes great with the paper crown.  Clearly, he is dressed for the occasion.

At least he got to wear the $50 tux more than once.

Aidan's class has been working on memorizing a portion of Luke 2:11 for the past couple of months now for the program.  "A Savior has been born to us.  He is Christ the Lord."  Aidan knows it well, but nonetheless, did not get to say it into the microphone as promised.  Bummer.  He did, however, pelt the poor fake-baby-in-the-manger with lots of wrapped presents.  Perhaps we need to review the details of the Christmas story a bit more.

Here is the Manger Mouse in action:
His class memorized three verses of "Away in a Manger" complete with hand motions for the program, and the 18 month old class joined behind them, all cradling baby Jesuses.  

Clearly scripturally accurate.  

(Editor's note:  The thought of figuring out how to post a video snippet from a DVD I recorded at the program is making me break out in hives.  Sorry, grandparents, no video.  And to the rest of you, you're welcome.)

(And today marks the beginning of the "8 Parties in 8 Days" portion of our Christmas holiday.  Yikes!)


  1. i think we should all have a formal christmas.

  2. Hello... if I had only known you needed mouse ears I could have loaned you the ones that I wore to help me snag my hubby on eharmony! Though I guess we're not trying to marry off Dane quite yet... don't worry, I'll keep them around for awhile!

  3. Love the tux! Love the "mouse costume!" Love you guys!
