Friday, December 19, 2008

Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You...

Christmas Card Picture 2008:
There's a photographer who comes to Dane and Aidan's school every semester and takes freakishly good pictures of my children.  These children who I cannot get to even stand next to each other most of the time when I am attempting my own pictures.  Much less, um, posed and smiling.  

True to form lately, I remembered about picture day the night before, and was distraught over what my homeless children were going to wear.  They had nothing "Christmassy" at all, and only a handful of long sleeved shirts to choose from.  So I dropped them off the next morning, high-tailed it over to Kohl's, and returned with non-Christmassy-yet-does-not-overtly-clash-with-background sweaters.  Works for me!
The neatly folded hands in the lap reminds me of my own preschool pictures where I am smiling at the camera while ferociously clutching a little white Bible as if my life depended on it.
Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Looking forward to spending christmas this year with you guys! How are house things coming? Have they started yet?

  2. Great pictures! They look like angels! So when they aren't being perfect, calm, and well mannered you can just look back at these pictures with fondness! : )
