Saturday, May 30, 2009

An Update and Some Pictures

We have enjoyed our nice and short holiday week here.  Brandon was off work last Monday for Memorial Day, and again yesterday, so we have enjoyed all the extra "Daddy Time".  A few odds and ends from this past week:

-Harper has slept through the night (until 7 am) for the last three nights.  Can I hear an amen??  I am really hoping this is the beginning of the end of 4am feedings, and not just a fluke.

-We went to a pool party/BBQ last night, and Dane was arm-floaty-free the whole time and did great!  He did not exhibit beautiful swimmer's form and strokes, but he was confident in the water and able to keep his head above water and jump into the pool independently.  Yay!

-At the same pool party, Aidan was the only one of about a dozen or so kids who ever got out of the pool to pee.  And it was a 3 hour party.  Unfortunately, he peed on the back fence each time.

-I go back to work Wednesday for the first time since mid-March.  I have mixed feelings about this.  I am looking forward to adult conversation and the intellectual stimulation that my job provides, but it will be a long 12 hour shift without Harper girl.  I haven't figured out child care for this summer, so Brandon is going to take Wednesday off next week and stay home with the kiddos.

-Wednesday is also our 9 year anniversary.  I am proud of myself for remembering, because typically, Brandon and I both forget about it.  On our 5 year anniversary, neither one of us remembered until 3 days later when we got a card in the mail.  We both stared at the purple envelope trying to figure out what holiday is in early June that we would be receiving a greeting card for.  Needless to say, no one has ever accused us of being too sentimental!
-I have no idea why some text in this post appears bold and other text does not.  And I don't know how to fix it.

The kids were being extra cute at bedtime the other night, so I snapped a few pictures.
These boys LOVE their baby sister.

My first thought when I saw this one, though, was "How much is Dane's underbite going to cost me to fix someday?" (Again, sentimental I am not).
Here Aidan finally realized that I was taking pictures.  And I think Dane may have figured it out, also.  Not sure ;)
This expression of SHEER TERROR on Harper's face is typical for her when she is around her brothers.  
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Precious pictures!!!! I just wish mine were still that small.
    Hugs, Sandy
