Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Precious Baby

Have I mentioned what a sweet baby this one is?
In her defense, the above picture was taken at a very unflattering angle.  Her legs are not quite as chubby as they appear here.

When she's not spending four hours a day eating, this is how she usually spends her awake time:
Smiling and laughing.  

And vomiting, but I don't have a picture of that at the moment.

And guess who was standing just to the left of me?
Hot Brandon

This girl loves her Daddy.
Sometimes I can't decide on just one picture when she looks this cute:
Happy Tuesday!


  1. She has such an adorable smile!!! I love all the pictures!!!

  2. Awwww-- those pictures just made my day. :o) Thanks so much for posting them!

  3. I think the last one on this post is my favorite! She's so gorgie!

  4. I can't believe you are sending that precious angel off to camp next week!
    What kind of a mother are you?

  5. I'm not sending her anywhere. You didn't get the memo? I'm coming too.
