Monday, August 10, 2009

Last Vacation Post I Promise

The last leg of our 6 day family vacation (can anyone say "too much time in the van"??) was spent in Wichita, Kansas visiting Brandon's grandparents.  Grandma Helen has met Harper before, but we went and had lunch with her on Friday, and went back to her apartment where she tried to give us all of her books.

Look!  Photographic evidence that I was also on the trip!  Of 300 pictures taken over these 6 days, this is one of only 2 that I am in.  I'm usually behind the camera.
Also photographic evidence of Harper's huge melon head, and the reason she always wears a bow.

One of the highlights of the Kansas trip was Peepaw's new ride:

I'm curious as to how I can take a picture like this one and it comes out great, but when we go to a studio for a family picture, we come out looking like we have been wrestling barnyard animals, sweat gleaming from our foreheads and babies looking distraught.
We loved seeing our Kansas family and spending time with everyone.  Brandon's uncle and his family stopped by for a bit Thursday night and we had a great time talking and catching up while the boys played Nintendo DS (Aidan had his Leapster and he felt so big).

Friday Dane woke up with a pretty bad croupy cough.  Usually when he gets like this, it clears up as the day wears on.  But Friday the cough stayed, along with some stridor, difficulty breathing, and fever.  I was feeling a bit jumpy because of my nephew's recent hospital stay for croup, and I went ahead and found a doctor's office that would take him at 7pm on a Friday night for a breathing treatment and some steroids.  (If anyone is keeping count, that is 2 doctor visits plus a hospital trip to see Zane on our vacation).  By Saturday, Dane was on the road to recovery, and we were on the long road from Kansas back home.

We will spend this week unpacking and catching up on laundry and housework, and nursing our dying lawn back to life with a rigorous watering schedule.  The grass was re-sod in March, and we've already killed a good portion of it.  And let's not talk about the plants in my flower beds, may they rest in peace.  I'll also spend a couple of days lamenting the fact that my big boy starts kindergarten in just two short weeks.  

Speaking of kindergarten, I ventured out to the WalMart yesterday, school supply list in hand, only to discover several things:

1.  Our WalMart does not carry manila paper.

2.  Mommy might start to hyperventilate while simultaneously navigating the crowded school supply aisles, looking for said allusive manila paper, and thinking about how her baby is going to kindergarten and will soon be going to college and then getting married and moving very far away.  Did I mention that the "dorm room supplies" are positioned right next to the elementary school supplies??  These WalMart people are MEAN!

3.  I also had to buy rice cereal for a certain little baby who's not quite so little anymore.  Harper has recently objected to being cuddled while taking her bottle, and wants to be fed instead "baby calf style", held upright, her head craned up drinking from her bottle.  (Have you seen how a baby calf drinks from a bottle?)  So since she's past the 4 month mark, the pediatrician gave us the green light to start solids.

4.  Our WalMart does not carry diet coke with Splenda.

All in all, a very tragic and emotional WalMart experience.  Which explains the peanut butter chocolate cookies that ended up in my cart.

Hope your week starts off better than mine has.


  1. Most of Zeke doctor's appointment go like this:

    The nurse measures his head twice and then the doctor comes in to measure it again while mumbling "This can't be right."

    So in my completely "unbiased" opinion...I think Harper's head is perfect and beautiful!!!!!!!:) I bet all of the small headed children are jealous:)

  2. Great trip Mandy!! You all did so much. We have you beat on urgent care visits. In one week we had 4 on our trip to Virginia this summer. It wasn't as severe as yours though :) Just a little double eye infection in a 5 month old, and MRSA that caused me to be unable to sit or stand (fun times:). You definitely know that this vacation has come to an end when a random nurse at the urgent care center in another state than you currently live, says that you look familiar on only your second visit. Glad everyone is home safe and sound and that no serious damage was done to others!!! lol!!! Take care!!!

  3. The bumble bee outfit is SO CUTE!! (Yes, I realize I bought and therefore I already thought it was cute before Harper was wearing it, but whatever :) Thanks for posting the picture of her wearing it.

    The great GP pictures all turned out so well! I know it meant so much to them that you guys went up to visit. Jeremy and I definitely need to head up there soon.

    Love y'all and I am glad everyone survived family summer vacation '09!

  4. Love your trip post as all of your post!! Just wanted to tell you to save yourself the stress and buy the school supplies at the school. Overall, it cost you the same and saves you alot of stress!!

  5. Love it all! Thanks for always making me laugh!

  6. I had a daughter that wanted me to carry her to her classroom on her first day of kindergarten, I convinced her to just let me hold her hand. The second day she wouldn't even let me get out of the truck when I took her to school. A week later she went to college and married some guy.

  7. I ventured out to Walmart this weekend to grocery shop and see if it was cheaper than Target. Not cheaper, has zero organic produce and didn't carry several things we buy on a weekly basis. I realized I am a Target girl for life :)

    I planted a bunch of bushes just before we got prego....pretty sure 3 our of the 9 won't make it :(

  8. You don't HAVE to buy the manila paper. Take it from a former 1st grade teacher. It's okay. Dane's teacher will live. For the record, I refuse to buy construction paper or Kleenex for my own kids.

    :) Sheila
