Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Third Child

The third child never has quite as many pictures taken then the first two.
She doesn't have a camera in her face every day of her precious life like her brothers before her.

So when we pull her into the backyard and sit her in the grass in hopes of some pretty smiles, she's not too sure what to think.

She's pretty sure she's in no mood to smile.
And she's really not sure what to think about the feel of grass.

Maybe we'll have better luck next time!


  1. There's always the option of showing Harper a picture of Dane smiling at the camera and telling Harper that it's her....I've heard of some cruel parents doing that to their 3rd child, who's father was a PHOTOGRAPHER....

  2. Whoever this Lindy person is she seems like an angry bitter woman. She is probably short, a lot of angry bitter people are short. I bet she has cats.

  3. I love Hops's little silky china town number in the top picture. Can Dane look any older? Love it.

  4. Mandy, she is so beautiful and the pictures are great! It's funny how a little girl can look so much like Brandon!

    Love reading about your growing family!

    Jenna :)
