Monday, October 19, 2009

Harper Girl

Our Harper Girl has been very busy this weekend.

In between sporting the bib-hoodie combo at her brothers' soccer games...

and modeling the latest in fall fashions courtesy of my Aunt Betsy's crazy-talented knitting skills. Aunt Betsy gave me this sweet pink sweater and hat last Christmas right after I found out I was pregnant with a Harper and not a Jude. And it's very difficult to photograph Harper in her sweater and hat without her grabbing the camera.
making flirty eyes...

missing her mouth...

and attempting the ever-elusive perfect sibling picture...

It's a little embarrassing how horrified I am that these are halfway decent pictures and Harper is bow-less.
she has barely had time to grow her first tooth, which broke today, and is apparently only photographable when she is screaming. I know you can't really see it, but trust me, it's there.

And you will be proud of me--I am procrastinating the adoption paperwork no longer. As soon as I am in possession of our actual home study (and marriage certificate) in-hand, I will be submitting my completed (as of this afternoon) I-800A form to USCIS (Customs and Immigration) for approval. Because apparently, I forgot that I had to do this (insert yet another parentheses here). Why it requires 8 billion little steps and costs 75 million dollars (I may have rounded up) and takes 19 years to adopt a child, I will never understand. Parentheses count=5 in 4 sentences. My grammatical skillz are to be envied.


  1. Your brother can give her a bow. He's good.

  2. that is a cute hat! and those are good pics of the kids!

  3. You should name the new little girl you will be getting soon a name that starts with a D. That way your children will have the first name initials ADHD.... Oh dear.
