Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Six Years Ago Today...

So what were you doing six years ago today?

I spent December 15, 2003 in medication-induced labor intended to convince my Cervix-of-Steel that it was indeed Baby Day. After 11 hours of screaming at my husband, Dane Christopher's nine-month stay in cozy-town was rudely interrupted by a c-section at 7:57 pm.

See that perfect round head? He wasn't even thinking about being born on December 15 (which was his due date), otherwise he would have had the courteous cone-head of babies who are in a bit more of a hurry. I would still be pregnant with Dane if it were up to him.
See that lady in the navy scrubs? She charged me $450 to rub that boy's head dry.

This picture is self-explanatory:
Happy birthday Dane-o! We love you so much!


  1. Love the hilarious recap of what was an incredibly painful and special day for you guys! Happy Birthday Dane!

  2. Happy belated Birthday Dane!! :)

  3. Happy belated, Dane.

    Mandy, reading this was good birth control. Lol.
