Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lazy Blogger...

I just cannot get motivated to blog lately. I have decided that my little blog needs a big makeover, so hopefully I will figure out how to do that at some point this week.

I hope everyone had a very pleasant MLK Jr. Day!

I spent the day at work in the ER trauma center in Houston on a holiday weekend, while my sweet friend Heather watched Dane, Aidan, and Harper, along with her three boys. I think I definitely had the easier day!

Dane went back to school yesterday and learned all about MLK Jr. He came home with a picture that he had colored:
Please note the bright pink hue to Dr. King's lips. Perhaps Dane thought that he, like Aidan, sometimes got into his mommy's make-up.

Please also note the black circle drawn on his chest. According to Dane, "that's the bullet hole where the light skinned person shot him. He DID NOT make a very good decision."


Speaking of lovely, this sweet girl has been up to all kinds of trouble lately.

Her favorite place to play is the trash can and under the kitchen sink. She will crawl over all of her toys in the room to dig a diet coke can out of the trash can and put it in her mouth. Last night I dug an empty Milk Duds box out of her mouth that she had gotten from under a couch cushion. My best guess is that it has been there since Halloween, since I don't frequent the Milk Dud aisle very often. You would think we don't feed her, that she's not a 22-pound 10 month old squeezing into size 18 month clothing, that she doesn't double-fist the baby Cheetos at every opportunity.

I can't believe she'll be a year old in just 2 months. I'm thinking of having matching birthday t-shirts made for her, me, and my mom. Harper's could be "1", mine "32" and my mom's "?".

My apologies for the stream-of-consciousness blog post. Perhaps better than no post at all?


  1. I love the new picture of the kiddos. I like the t-shirt idea. One of these years you all will have to throw a triple birthday party.

  2. I think your mom will be 55... Go ahead and get those shirts made.

  3. Do you realize that when Harper's shirt says 32, yours is going to have to say 64? Wow!

  4. That's nothing... MoMo's shirt will say 88..

  5. love it! and the pic of the three kiddos is AWESOME!!!! Josh just laughed ;)

  6. I love the new blog look! good job on the face lift! BTW- David and I think that you have a serious artist on your hands.

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