Friday, February 5, 2010


We are...
Today our dossier is being sent from our adoption agency to China, where it will be "logged in" by the CCAA (please don't ask me what that stands for). Our "log in date" (LID...there's lots of acronyms involved in the adoption process) is the official start time of our wait for a referral for a child to adopt. We have been told that the referral time for the type of child that we have requested is anywhere from "1 to 12 months or longer". So basically, we have no idea.

By the way, this picture looked a lot different in my head.
It didn't look like this
And it really didn't look like this
(Sidenote: Aidan picked this shirt out to wear to school yesterday. It's a Nike underarmor-type shirt that I probably picked up at a garage sale. I told him he looked nice today, and he rubbed his shirt and said, "I look a little bit cool, too." So true, A-man, so true.)


  1. YAY!!!!! I am so excited for you guys! I am praying for your sweet little daughter and for you all too! I can't wait, have I mentioned how excited I am for you guys?!?! :)

  2. LOVE your little (growing) family!!! and the commentary ALWAYS cracks me up!! So excited about your adoption journey!! We look forward to the day we are able to's super special and I can't wait to give share that special bond....
