Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Me Monday!

I'm playing along today with MckMama for some Not Me Monday! fun...

Last Wednesday, I did not let my boys eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner while watching a movie, while I watched American Idol downstairs. They were not super excited about their "movie party" on a school night. Not me! I always prepare a healthy, made from scratch dinner consisting of all major food groups which we then eat while all sitting at the dinner table and discussing Jesus.

Last weekend, while Hot Brandon was out of town, I did not hear a weird buzzing sound coming from under his bathroom sink. I did not immediately call the kids into the bathroom, convinced they had broken something. I did not open the cabinet door and convince myself that the weird buzzing sound meant that the pipe was going to burst and flood my entire house and how do I turn the water off, which direction do I turn the little knob, and kids! Get out of the bathroom before we all drown! Now! I did not open the adjoining drawer and discover that one of the boys had turned on Brandon's electric toothbrush and left it to buzz inside the drawer, leading their mother to the brink of insanity. The electric toothbrush that did not come free with purchase of a Touch-n-Brush that Brandon ordered during an episode of insomnia. Nope, not me!

I did not invite Dane and Aidan to have a slumber party in my bed Friday night while Brandon was gone just so I could have someone warm to put my cold feet on. I did not fall asleep before my 4 year old and then proceed to get kicked in the kidneys all night by the kung-fu 6 year old. Not me! We all got a great night's sleep and were well rested the next morning. I did not let the boys have another Movie Party the next day because it was really cold and wet outside and I was too tired from the night of all the kidney kicking to think of something fun and creative to do inside instead. Not me!

So, what did you not do last weekend?


  1. my husband wants a touch n brush...but that is $25 I would rather spend on

  2. LOL! I thought PB&J was a major food group =) Love the tooth brush story...Super cute kiddo's too!

  3. I never gave my children anything except healthy snacks like raisins, fresh fruit, whole wheat fat free crackers, vienna sausages, little smokies, stuff like that.

  4. We got the touch n' brush for 15 dollars at wal-mart, so you'd still have 10 dollars to spend on diapers.

  5. Zeke and I ate cupcakes for breakfast last Wednesday. I totally had the old Bill Cosby routine song going through my head..."dad is great...he gives us chocolate cake" Except substitute mom...of course:)

    It's been nearly a week and he still thanks God for Daddy, Mommy, cake, and Silas every night before bed!!!...and in that order:)
