Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break, cont.

With all the excitement of last weekend, I forgot to post some pictures from our Spring Break.

While Brandon was on a trip with Casas por Cristo, building houses in Acuna, Mexico, my mom came down to help me out with the kiddos. Here are a few highlights, in a handy numbered format:

1. Harper played at the park.
Okay, so this was the week before Spring Break, I'm just a little behind in the posting of cute pictures of the baby.
I turned around at one point, and Harper was holding court inside the little playhouse at the church playground. I think they were talking about boys.

2. Right after I picked my mom up from the airport, we headed straight to a birthday party back at the church playground, where Harper learned how to slide, and Dane licked the tops of three cupcakes.

3. On Wednesday, Pappy and the boys left bright and early and headed out to the ranch. No, we don't have a ranch, but some family friends do. Pappy decided that Spring Break wouldn't be complete until they had taken a trip to the Lazy S Ranch. We didn't tell the boys they were going until the night before. Earlier that day, I had the boys pack up their backpacks with some clothes "in case of an emergency". They were thrilled to learn that they were going to get to use their emergency packs the very next day, and hang out with these guys:

There were fish to be caught, Bush Hogs to ride, bonfires to build, marshmallows to eat, and sunburns to get. Little boy paradise.

My dad has known Mr. Lazy S since the beginning of time, and his son Bob served as the ring bearer in my parents' wedding. I have fond memories of our families boating on the lake, camping in smelly campers, and eating peanut butter corn flake bars while waiting for the men to return from fishing.

I have a picture somewhere like this one with a college-age Bob holding a fish, only Bob's fish was much smaller.

Aidan gathered wood for a bonfire...
...with a little help from "those ranch boys' daddy"
When Pappy and the boys got home a couple of days later, Aidan told me all about their many adventures at the ranch. As I cleaned M&Ms out from in between the seats in Pappy's truck, Aidan excitedly told me that Mr. Lazy S "told us to come back SOON, mom!"

Needless to say, Dane and Aidan are already plotting their next trip out to the Lazy S with "the ranch boys".


  1. How lucky your boys are to have such a wonderful Pappy.

  2. Looks like dirt-covered fun! Happy Birthday, Mandy, Harper and Sally!

  3. I think I have that small fish picture of Bob too! What fun to play with those "lazy S" guys!

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