Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On My Mind...

I've been thinking a lot about Emerson lately. Wondering what she is doing, if she is taking a nap, or eating, wondering what she plays with at the orphanage. I put a couple of big things in the mail today. One was a check for the balance of the country fee to our adoption agency. As of today, we have paid over $17,000 in adoption expenses, with about $10,000 for airfare, travel expenses, etc. still to pay. If you had told me a year ago that we would somehow be coming up with $17,000, I never would have believed it. But God is faithful, and we have had exactly the money we needed, at exactly the time we have needed it. It hasn't come easy, I have been working my tail off at any emergency room that will take me within a 40-mile radius. But we have been so grateful for God's provision.

We also sent a couple of things to the adoption agency that they will send on to Emerson. We have known for weeks that we could send a couple of things, and have stressed ourselves out over what exactly to send, it had to be perfect, and so on. Forgetting that she is a not-quite 3 year old who doesn't need us to impress her. We put together a little 4x6 photo album, with some pictures of our family and the house, and a few sheets of little stickers for her.

Brandon made a CD of himself singing a few songs, songs that don't make any logical sense to those outside of our little family, but songs that we find ourselves singing all the time. Night-night songs, "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes", "Why So Downcast Oh My Soul", "Jesus Loves Me", and a few other family classics. So now Emerson can look at our family photos, and listen to her Daddy sing a cappella in a language she doesn't understand. Maybe she'll recognize those crazy white people from the pictures when she comes home later this year.

Can't wait to see you, sweet girl.


  1. "If you had told me a year ago that we would somehow be coming up with $17,000, I never would have believed it. But God is faithful, and we have had exactly the money we needed, at exactly the time we have needed it."

    Oh, how I can relate to this. Only $8000 so far, but provided in the exact amount at exactly the right time so we could never doubt EXACTLY Who it came from.


  2. I LOVE that Brandon recorded himself singing songs for her-- that is awesome! And AMEN, indeed, to God's provision for Emerson's adoption! I am excited to see how He provides the rest of the money, too.

    Love you guys, and can't wait until Emerson is here to join us "crazy white people" in her new family. :)
