Thursday, June 10, 2010

10 Years and One Week Ago

...I had mono and had lost so much weight before my wedding that I had to wear "falsies" in my wedding gown.

...I found myself almost stranded at the church after post-wedding pictures and had to hitch a ride in my dad's friends' minivan to the reception.

...those post-wedding pictures? They were shot on something called "film". Digital photography was not seriously in the picture in June 2000.

...I cut the first piece of a lemon-flavored seven layer wedding cake that stood taller than me.

...I had just finished my first year of nursing school and received the only "B" I would get in nursing school.

...I had furnished our first apartment with garage sale finds, including a tan and gold couch complete with cigarette burn holes and brass accents.

...Brandon and I looked forward to watching a brand new show on TV that summer called "Survivor". It was totally different than anything else on: a "reality" show, they called it.

...I never could have imagined how great the next 10 years of our married life would be, and that it was indeed possible for me to love him more than I did on our wedding day.

Happy Anniversary (a week late, par for the course), Hot Brandon!

So what were you doing 10 years and one week ago?


  1. Congrats Mandy and Brandon! 10 years and a week is a REALLY long time! lol!

  2. 10 years and one week ago I was hosting a fish fry... It was catered by "Wazo and Them's Catering," good food, but they are out of business now... I think it is because Wazo's daughter kept getting pregnant and he had to get a better paying job... Oh well...

  3. I was eating delicious 7 layer cake:) Congrats!!!

  4. Awww - happy 10 years Mandy and Brandon!! Hope you had a great anniversary. 10 years and 1 week ago I had probably just come home from my junior year at Rutgers.

  5. I was checkin out hot guys at your wedding ;) Think of ya'll everytime I drive by the church you had your reception at :) Much love!!

  6. 10 years ago I had just met the love of my life, but didn't know it yet. We were just "friends" - not "expecting" like Sloan implied! : )

    I still remember being disappointed that I couldn't make it to your wedding and loved looking at the pictures my dad brought back. You were gorgeous and you were both so thrilled to be marrying each other! You guys are an awesome couple together! Happy Anniversary!

  7. I was wearing the tallest pair of dyeable shoes ever made...

  8. 10 years and one week ago, I was quitting the last full time job I worked and getting ready to have Miss Shelby on July 4, 2000!!
