Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Didn't Go to Kentucky This Year...

...but my boys sure did!

(Warning: the next couple of posts are chock full of pictures from activities and events that I wasn't a part of, and are likely only interesting to my family and those who were there. If this is not you, then you may be terminally bored by Outnumbered for the next few days. Let's be honest, you might by terminally bored by Outnumbered anyway.)

Wednesday before Memorial Day weekend (yes, I am still catching up) Pappy drove down, loaded Dane and Aidan up in the Suburban, and headed back to DFW to get ready for the really long road trip on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday they stopped off at Uncle Andy's office in downtown Dallas for a quick tour...

...and apparently a quick pee. This is one of many pictures I would love to pretend doesn't exist.

Then they headed off in the general direction of western Kentucky, stopping on the way at a rest stop with a playground so Lindy and Andy could burn off a little energy during the long car ride.

This picture is "Lindy and Andy Christmas Card Picture Option #1". Votes can be left in comments.

After some dinner at the Cracker Barrel, the traveling crew finally made it to the hotel for the night.
My boys hate staying in hotels. Hate it.
And what are they doing jumping on the bed??

Where were their grandparents when this was happening??

Oh. Never mind.

So Thursday was a pretty good day for the boys.

And then came Friday. And Lamberts, home of the throwed rolls.

Doesn't everyone stop in Missouri when driving from Dallas to Kentucky? It's right on the way.

My family has never stopped at Lambert's without also stopping at Boomland.

"Lindy and Andy Christmas Card Picture Option #2":

Not familiar with Boomland? Picture a WalMart, only instead of everything you never knew you always needed, it's row after row of fireworks.

It's what heaven will look like for Dane and Aidan.

Next up: pictures taken when the boys actually got to Kentucky!


  1. Your blog is good for me to see what life with a boy will be like. That whole peeing anywhere thing is going to take some getting used to!

  2. So far Lindy and Andy picture #1 is in the lead for my vote!

  3. If peeing off a building in downtown Dallas is wrong.. I don't want go be right.. Glad I'm not the window washer though..

    "Your blog is good for me to see what life with a boy will be like." .... Is that Driskell chick pregnant again??

  4. I love this post...we hope to go next time. Looks like we missed out on some fun!!!!!!

  5. "If peeing off a building in downtown Dallas is wrong.. I don't want go be right." I couldn't have said it better myself. I thought the inalienable right to pee wherever you wanted was protected by the Bill of Rights.

  6. FYI - I mentioned urine in my sermon twice last Sunday.

  7. So cool! I live in Sikeston - Home of the throwed rolls. Hope you had a great time in Missouri!

  8. I see where you are working on adopting a little girl from China. So are we! I came across your blog through another family that's adopting. Funny how adoption opens up a whole new world! If you are looking for fundraising ideas - we have put together some neat options at Let me know if we can help out!

  9. After reading all the comments, I feel the need to quote myself again. "Your blog is good for me to see what life with a boy will be like"!

    I laughed so hard I almost peed myself, although I managed to make it to a bathroom and refrained from that oh-so-tempting downtown building spot!

    Thank you Sloan and Brandon for educating me on the freedoms and rights of men!

    : )

  10. So Driskells-do you have some baby news for us--maybe expecting a baby boy?

  11. what in the world is up with that creeper in the background of the picture where dane is catching and instantaneously placing said roll on the table?? those are some scary eyes
