Thursday, September 2, 2010


Brandon and I made it to Beijing safe and sound, and appropriately exhausted after traveling for a day and a half and pulling an all-nighter packing the night before.

In a few hours (yes, it's 4am here) we, along with a bus full of tourists, will go see the Great Wall of China for a couple of hours before stumbling back to our hotel, sleeping for 12 hours, and then meeting our group from our adoption agency for an orientation session. There are about 20 families from our agency meeting together in Beijing right now, which is so exciting!

I have a big prayer request. The phone rang in our hotel room last night, and Brandon answered it. After a few minutes, he got off the phone and told me that they had diagnosed Emerson with the chicken pox! Big time bummer. We will get her 4 days after diagnosis, and she will most likely still be contagious and feeling crummy at that point. Fortunately, Brandon and I have already had the chicken pox, and thanks to my lovely job, I am exposed to it on a fairly regular basis. I may be a whiner when it comes to headaches and sinus issues, but don't mess with my immune system. Emerson has a medical appointment scheduled on Sept. 10, where she is supposed to get the rest of the immunizations she needs before she can come home, a TB skin test, and an examination. I am praying that they will let her wait until the second appointment on the 13th, the one where they will read her TB test, to get her shots. From what I understand, not getting the immunizations is not an option here if we want to bring her home. The good news is, we don't get on a plane to come back home until Friday the 17th, but she will have to have a doctor see her and proclaim her to be non-contagious before they will let her leave.

Please pray for my baby! She's sick now, and will likely still be sick when we get her! She may look a little chicken-poxy in our Gottcha Day pictures! We have no idea if she has a mild case, or the chicken pox that my brother had when he was little, where we were pretty sure John was under there somewhere, but we couldn't prove it if we tried. Pray for a mild case and a speedy recovery! Pray that someone is taping socks to that baby's hands so she won't scratch and scar! Pray that she will be as healthy as possible when the lovely government of China decides to give her half a dozen immunizations! Pray that this IN NO WAY delays us getting back home, which would be the worst possible scenario. I will find out more information tomorrow when we have an orientation with our adoption agency.


  1. Just covered you all in prayer and will keep on praying! Can't wait to hear all about Gotcha Day! :)

  2. Prayers for mommy, daddy and your sweet baby girl!!!
