Sunday, September 19, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

After traveling for over a day, Brandon, Emerson and I landed in Houston early Saturday morning and were greeted by some very happy faces! Four of my good friends from church woke up at 4 am to bring Dane, Aidan, and Harper to the airport to greet us. I don't think I've ever been happier to see anyone than I was to see our kiddos and familiar faces yesterday morning.

After stopping to pick up some donut holes and Starbucks (vast quantities of caffeine were consumed by Brandon and me yesterday) we arrived home to a yard full of these guys:

and a garden full of these:
I can't grow corn, but mutant okra I've got down pat.

We gave Emerson a proper introduction to our favorite donuts

Then we moved into the living room to find that our friends? The friends who had kept our three children for the better part of three weeks? The friends who fed them and put them to bed and hugged them and changed their diapers while we were gone? The friends who got up in the middle of the night to bring our children to the airport to greet us and take pictures and video of our children meeting their sister for the first time? Those friends, and many others, put together a gift basket of goodies and gift cards for us, made special gift bags for all four kids, stocked the kitchen with groceries, decorated the house with balloons and "Welcome Home" banners, and left us a note telling us which one of our friends would be bringing us dinner over the next week.

Needless to say, we are overwhelmed with gratitude, and are so, so thankful to have all six of us under one roof again!


  1. Welcome home! Thank you for sharing the story of your journey. Y'all are amazing! We can't wait to see you and meet the newest member of the Forsythe Family.

  2. Yay! So glad you enjoyed all your welcome home surprises :-) Hope you are having a wonderful day with your family!!!

  3. Wow! What a great blessing! So glad you guys are together at home. May God continue to bless you as you transition to a family of 6!

  4. The new "banner" on the blog is GREAT!! :D
