Saturday, September 25, 2010

Your First Week in America...

You had your very first Cherry Limeade.

And your first Happy Meal.

You ate warm chocolate chip cookies for breakfast with your new siblings and your jet lagged parents.

You went to your first play group.

You played at the mall, and shopped at Old Navy.

You got bit by your little sister.

And read to by your mommy and daddy.

We had seven nights of bedtime stories, and seven nights of prayers.

You tried and loved spaghetti and meatballs.

And tried and did not love strawberries.

But that's okay, because your mommy loves strawberries enough for the both of us.

You love having your hair fixed, and like to look at it in the mirror.

You tattled on Harper.

And trashed Lego cities.

You ignored Charlotte's Web all together

But seemed to enjoy Sesame Street.

You played soccer with the boys.

You gave countless hugs to your mommy and daddy

You rode in your very first car seat.

And sang along to the Glee soundtrack.

You practiced your "picture smile" too many times to count.

And you (or maybe your sister) disassembled a wireless mouse into six pieces while Mommy was putting laundry away.

You're still getting used to nap time, but now smile and wave "bye bye" to us at bed time.

It's been a great week, Miss Emerson! Can't wait to share many, many more weeks with you sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh...i love it!! love your blog & wish SO badly that we lived in the same neighborhood! you can link to my blog thru this...but i haven't been to good at updating since we've sick. we are on the mend though.
    hope everything continues to go well & that the transitions & language flow smoothly.
