Monday, October 4, 2010

Meet the Family

My parents came down for a few hours on Saturday to meet Miss Emerson for the very first time. Emerson actually ran to the driveway and jumped into my dad's arms when they got here. Which is a nice change for my dad, Harper has ignored him for the last several months now.

But Emerson warmed right up.

I have no idea where these orange glasses came from, but you better believe Emerson found them and insisted on wearing them.

Emerson with her MoMo

and reading her new "First Thousand Words" book

some competition with lap space...

reading to Pappy...
She was a little bit hesitant when she saw her GG,

but then we pulled out a photo album that GG gave me several years ago, filled with some very old pictures of yours truly from the early years at GG's house

Emerson saw some pictures of GG in the photo album, then it sort of clicked for her

My Uncle Tom and Aunt Carol stopped by, and Emerson attacked Tom at the door with hugs and hello's,

and wasted no time showing the good doctor exactly where Harper bit her

My Aunt Carol has a new fan also.
We L-O-V-E introducing our family and friends to Miss Emerson, and can't wait for her to meet more family next weekend!


  1. Oh that smile is too much! What a sweetheart she is!

  2. I see you got a good shot of GGs knee highs. She'll love that

  3. Love it! Also, just had to say thanks for letting Tom & Carol pretend that your kids are their grand kids. It is nice that they have something to fill the giant void we've left them.

  4. Heidi - LOL!

    The glasses - They are from Sonic in the Woodlands Mall (They are actually Aidan's).
