Friday, March 25, 2011

The Middles

This past Sunday morning found me losing the never-ending wardrobe battle with Aidan...
...and while I was snapping his picture, the perfectly coordinated Emerson impatiently waited for her turn in front of the camera, telling me "Emerson picture, Emerson picture!"
This is a girl who is clearly not lacking for self confidence,

wearing an outfit that she specifically picked out "for church" the night before and laid on her bed,
who immediately requested "two bows" during beauty-parlor time on this morning.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't middle children supposed to be laid back? Low maintenance? "Go-with-the-flow"?

What, in any of these pictures, suggests that these two are "go-with-the-flow"?

1 comment:

  1. I stole Aidan's green soccer socks, I can't do everything.
