Saturday, March 19, 2011

Right Lower Central Incisor, Thou Art Loosened!

After seven years, three months, and two days, GUESS WHO finally has a loose tooth?

His very first loose tooth?

I can't tell you how much Dane has been waiting for this a very, very long time, watching while all of his friends, and Aidan's friends, and our friends that are still in Pre-K wiggle loose teeth in their mouth. He could not be more excited.

And he just told me, "I hope I lose it in school because then they will give me a little treasure box." My apologies in advance to his poor teacher, who will have to watch my son wiggle his loose tooth for the better part of next week until it falls out in class and he gets the little treasure box.

Someone alert the tooth fairy.


  1. YAY Dane-o!!!! That is big-time!!!!

  2. First broken arm. First loose tooth. Mandy, your kid is falling apart!!! Congrats to Dane! What a big deal!!!

  3. The Tooth Real Man that lives in Flower Mound pays $1....
