Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rattling Around

I feel like I need to blog something so I can quit staring at that red dresser every time I open my page.

But the problem is, I got nothing. No funny kid stories, no cute pictures of Emerson, nothing. But there's a couple of things rattling around my brain this week...

I pray that I will never rejoice, throw parties because of, or dance in the streets at the news of the death of a human being.

I'm only slightly embarrassed at how much I enjoyed all of the news coverage on the royal wedding. I loved seeing the pretty dresses, the horse-drawn carriages, and the prince wearing the fancy Nutcracker uniform. And I SO want just one occasion to wear a ridiculous looking hat in public.

Emerson will be four years old in less than a month, and I have been busily planning her birthday party. I realize that for some people, party planning for their child's birthday celebration involves themes, crafts, elaborate menus, and someone dressed as a clown. In our house, it involves renting a moonwalk and sending out a few invitations. We're very fancy 'round these parts, and have realized over the last several years that my children care not one iota about if the snacks are color-coordinated with a party theme. The kids just want to have fun with their friends.

Swim team practice has started, and at 5:00-6:15 Monday through Friday, it is consuming our evenings. I could use some good crock pot dinner recipes, since no cooking is happening these days. Anyone have any crock pot recipes to share? I know there's a bunch of these recipes on the internet, but googling "crock pot recipes" is just as overwhelming as the whole "drawer pull scenario". Too many to look at and weed through.

Speaking of swim team, Aidan shared with me on the way home the other day, "You know, Mom? Most of the swim team guys, they just pee in their swim shorts. Like today, I just walked around the pool, just peeing." I'm pretty sure most of the swim team guys don't pee in their shorts outside of the pool, A-man.

What's rattling around in your brain these days?


  1. You are in luck on the hat thing..... The Kentucky Derby is tomorrow, you can run up there for that.... You talk about hats.... The English actually stole the hat thing from the Kentucky Derby.... Really..... If you can't get away for the derby just Google Kentucky Derby Hats...

  2. Ribs-
    Buy a Rack of baby back ribs (I cut the rack in half) and throw them in the crock pot with a jar of your favorite bbq sauce for 8 hours on low - the meat just falls off the bone and they are good.

    Put chicken breasts in crock pot, sprinkle a packet of dry italian dressing over them. Mix 1/4 cup white wine with 1/2 cup chicken broth, and can of cream of chicken soup and pour over top. Cook low for 8 hours. Serve over rice or egg noodles. (You can also add a block of cream cheese 30 min at the end to make it even better!

    I am a big crock pot fan and these are 2 that are super quick that my family loves.

    Fix It and Forget It is a great crock pot cookbook.

  3. I second the Fix and Forget it comment- it's a great source. I've liked the recipies on, too, and if you do a search for slow cooker favorites, you'll find a few. My mom cooked slow-cooker chicken all the time- season the whole bird or some breasts with Tony's and set the crock pot on low all day- done. : )
