Wednesday, July 20, 2011

She's Here, She's Here!

Baby Nora has arrived!

My sister Lindy and her husband Andy welcomed Miss Nora Sloan on Friday, and she is beautiful and perfect!
And her parents? Well, her parents are a little bit smitten with her.
This past Sunday I loaded up Dane and Harper (my dad had taken Aidan and Emerson back to DFW with him after the beach day) and we headed up to meet the newest cousin. Dane proved himself to be, yet again, Master Big Cousin and Baby Holder Extroidinairre, while Harper just looked a little confused at all the fuss before becoming very interested in baby Nora's toes.

The following day, mom and I headed over to baby Nora's house to help her try on some of her fashionable headwear...

Congratulations, Lindy and Andy.

Enjoy your precious beautiful baby daughter.

Wrap her up in her blankie and hug her close.

Rock her in the middle of the night.

Put all the cute little bows and flowers on her soft little head.

But know, that in just two short years, she will be dumping 500 q-tips in the toilet just for fun.


  1. Congrats Lindy and Andy! Now the adventure really begins!

    Love that wild feathery bow thing on little Nora's head! Too funny!

  2. At least your toilet doesn't have a waxy buildup.... And it needs to be clean if you are going to drink out of it..

  3. Harper has a thing for baby toes, I think. :)
