Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School- Boy Edition

Happy First Day of School!

Do these shirts look a little familiar? Like from my last post?

If you think I was fighting wardrobe battles on the first day of school, you are mistaken. Hence the plaid shorts and Texans shirts.

I didn't know exactly how this day would go, with my Aidan starting kindergarten. We met the teachers last Friday, and Aidan has the same teacher as Dane had, Mrs. S. (Formerly known as Miss G. Miss G. got married to a lovely man over the summer, so now she is Mrs. S.). Aidan and Dane got off the bus this afternoon, and Aidan was GLOWING. He had a great first day, and loved school! He made a few new friends, and his favorite part of the day was lunch, where he got to buy his lunch and drink chocolate milk.

Dane's teacher for the second grade is Mrs. W, and he has several friends in his class. And yes, he is wearing Harry Potter glasses. He bombed his vision screening at his pediatrician's office last month, and a couple of weeks ago his eye doctor declared him near-sighted. Dane, half-way through the fourth Harry Potter book, selected these cute round frames, and proceeded to draw a Sharpie-marer lightening bolt on his forehead. Needless to say, Halloween costumes will be an easy choice this year.
I am so thankful my boys had a great first day, and I am praying it continues throughout the whole year!

1 comment:

  1. I have it on good authority that the Texans are actually going to wear plaid football pants for one game this year in conjunction with Scottish awareness week .... Really...
