Friday, August 26, 2011

I Just Hope Their Teachers Are Ready

Last week a couple of sisters started pre-school.

They woke up early, put on their first day of school clothes, and, with much anticipation, finally got to carry their backpacks and lunchboxes. In fact, a certain littlest sister has carried her backpack and lunchbox every day since then.

The two sisters went outside, in the 98% relative humidity, and posed for pictures before the fogged-over camera lens.
A certain outspoken four year old had the privledge of being the "line leader" on her first day of school.

I'm sure she hated that.
Being the first in line? Telling people where to go and showing them how to do it? That's not right up anyone's alley.

Maybe she will grow up and be a school teacher. Or a CEO. Anything but a tour guide.
Her little sister didn't have much to say about her first day of school other than "Harper go night night." I think she had a successful naptime.

I'm so grateful for the girls' little school, and I can't wait to see how much they are learning this year!


  1. How did you get the pink boots off of Harper???

    You will have to explain to Emmy that only the teacher gets to send home report card to the other students. She will be crushed...

  2. Sweet sister pictures! I love their giant backpacks, too!
