Monday, October 17, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

I'm not sure if I've shared this here this or not, but a couple of months ago we signed Emerson up for a "Princess dance class" at our local dance studio. For the past eight Mondays, Emerson has practiced her moves and learned precious little ballet technique for the first 30 minutes of the class, and then for the last 30 minutes, the girls put on their beautiful Cinderella costumes, read Cinderella stories, and attempt to practice a routine to eventually present to Cinderella's loving family in the form of a mini-recital.
I don't need to tell you how cute the recital was. Or that it took me 37 minutes to get Emerson's hair into the requisite bun this past Saturday morning.

Over the past eight weeks, the girls learned several moves necessary to accurately portray the life and times of Cinderella.

Sweeping the floor,

directing traffic using very-official looking arm motions
and briefly levitating.

(I apologize for the quality of the above photos. Either I had the wrong camera, wrong lens, bad lighting, or just don't take very good pictures. But it's definitely one of those reasons.)

After the recital, Cinderella received flowers from her adoring fans,

then provided an opportunity for the public to have their picture made with her.

Upstairs, during the cupcake-and-sherbet-punch portion of the show, a very special guest arrived to mingle with the little Cinderellas.

A certain little sister LOVED meeting the real Cinderella. Harper was probably wondering how she had the time to stop by and chat in between all of her traffic directing duties.

Enjoy, sweet princesses. This is the closest you're ever getting to Disney World.


  1. Precious!! Emmy looks so proud of herself and her Cinderella dress. That picture of Harper is PRICELESS.

  2. If it helps, it probably took me 10 minutes to get her hair OUT of the bun that night... partly because she doesn't hold still very well. Imagine that- a Forsythe child who can't hold still!

  3. Caption for last picture.... "Enjoy that crown while you can 'choker girl'
    cause it's gonna be mine."
