Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Nights at the Outnumbered House

When I was 13, Saturday nights were Mall Nights.

When I was 23, Saturday nights were Date Nights with the New Hot Husband.

And at 33, my last Saturday night was spent doing this:
1 hot husband, 4 pumpkins, and 4 very clear ideas on what was to be carved on the pumpkins.

Aidan wanted "a cross with Jesus on it". We convinced him that since Jesus didn't stay on the cross, and because it was too hard to carve, that just a regular cross would be better.

Harper and Emerson wanted "happy faces and bows".

As I was carving Harper's pumpkin, my sweet girl leaned forward, put her chubby little hand on the pumpkin, and whispered "I'm so sorry."

Dane carved a ghost, which he designed and drew out himself.
This Mommy carved Harper and Emerson's pumpkins, leaving Brandon slightly impressed that I could do something almost artistic.

I said almost.

The kids were very pleased with their pumpkin creations when all was said and done.

And speaking of "said and done", the jack-o-lanterns that have been sitting outside for the past 6 days will not be around to see another Saturday. Houston humidity + open pumpkins= nasty pumpkin mush x4 sitting on my front porch.

I'm so sorry, pumpkins.

But I'm secretly hoping that my Saturday night will look exactly like this 10 years from now.


  1. Great pumpkins, everyone!

    Great fist-to-chin picture pose, Harper!

  2. But I'm secretly hoping that my Saturday night will look exactly like this 10 years from now.

    Ten years from now your children will be 12-14-16 & 17.... I don't think you will want to trust them with sharp knives even then..... or, especially then....
