Friday, November 18, 2011

Sentences I Never Thought I Would Write

I haven't blogged in a week. I feel like such a blog-slacker. Several "out of our usual routine" things are going on this week.

I had the whole day to myself at home yesterday. No work. No kids. I try to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays when the girls are at school, but yesterday found me off work, at home, with a blissfully short to-do list and perfect weather. Windell the Kindle and I cuddled up on the back porch with a cup of coffee and spent some quality time together. It was perfection.

I am going to see the new Twilight movie with 12 of my closest girlfriends on opening night. I am speechless as I look over that sentence. I NEVER in a million years would have thought I would be braving the movie theater on a Friday night (too crowded) to see a teenage vampire romance (!) on opening night (hello, crazy fans and crazier lines). But, I can't wait to embrace the ridiculous-ness of the whole "Twilight thing" with my fun friends :)

I have watched the three previous Twilight movies in the last two days, and I didn't hate them. I didn't even throw up in response to the dramatic stares into one another's eyes, majestic soundtracks, or meaningful forehead-touches. But don't get me started on the giant wolves.

We're going to be in a parade on Saturday morning. All six of us, riding on a big float with a stork on it. A local town is having their holiday parade this weekend, November is apparently National Adoption Awareness month. We are one of the token adoptive families that will be riding on the stork float. I expect to be the only mommy spending the entire parade persuading her children to not jump off of the float.

Three of my four children sang in a choir on Sunday morning. And it was even cuter than what you're picturing in your head right now.

And their choir shirts said "I Am Crazy". Why? Because my church is awesome. Crazy awesome.

Dane ran the length of the football field Saturday, scoring a rushing touchdown in flag football. Dane's not, what some would say, a big kid. He's super fast, and has absolutely no fear, even when the other boys on the field are 30 pounds bigger than him. And while I didn't get a picture of that (of course), I did get this sweet picture of Harper and Emerson eating cupcakes afterwards:
At least it's not nail polish.

1 comment:

  1. That Harper girl is disgusting.... Is she the adopted one???
