Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family Picture Day

What would a holiday with my family be...

without a couple thousand pictures taken?
Throw three professional photographers
In with a couple of amature ones
and 7 little cousins,
the seven year old
the six year old
the four year old and the three year old

the two year old
and the one year old

and little baby Nora

and lots, and lots of attitude
and eventually you will get
1800 pictures that look something like this
and maybe one that looks like this


  1. that is a good family picture - and you look really pretty in the picture of you and Nora!

  2. Adorable! God bless Photoshop and it's Christmas miracles! :)

  3. My favorite is the second picture..... Which of the 3 professional photographers with over 80 years of combined professional experience took that one???

  4. Oh that Dane is a trooper! Love it! Oh and your family had a great idea for colors. We had the same idea a few months ago and it's too late to change it now. Hope you don't mind us stealing it :) lol!
