Saturday, January 7, 2012

More Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011, continued...

After we finished opening presents on Christmas Day, we loaded up the van and headed 4 hours away to Brandon’s parents’ house to spend a few days with lots of family and LOTS of little cousins. Both of Brandon’s sisters and their family were there, and Brandon’s grandmother spent a few days with us also. I’m just going to run through a few highlights of the trip with a handful (okay, 20) of pictures:

Opening more presents. Madden DS games for the boys
Cabbage Patch Dolls for the girls.

I had a wave of nostalgia watching the girls open their Cabbage Patch Dolls. I think they're a generation too young to truly appreciate the significance of the Cabbage Patch Christmas. I clearly remember my CP Christmas, it was a very big deal. They still come with their own birth certificates, or, in Emerson's doll's case, her "China papers".

Make-Your-Own-Pizza night

Helping Grammy play the piano.

Playing "sneak around behind the chair and scare Grammy".
Daily adventure walks.

Izzy took Dane and Joel "adventuring" by himself one day, and they were gone for over 3 hours. At one point they came to a creek, and being too tired to walk around it, Izzy took off his shoes and just carried the boys across. I'm sure they hated that. ;)

Baby Laurel holding

Beauty parlor time. Emerson and Adrienne painted "rainbow toes",

Brandon had his long luxurious locks straightened with a flat iron.

Looking through old family photo albums with Grandma Helen.

Rearranging GranDoug's wood pile. Then the next day, re-rearranging the wood pile to its' former glory.

Smearing Mentholatum on our face and declaring “this make-up is too stinky.”

Oh wait, that was just Harper. And I don't have a picture of that one.

Catching the Many Faces of Uriah (who smelled suspiciously of Grandma Helen's perfume most of the time) on top of the dinner table one night.
I want to squish this face.
More to come from Christmas 2011! I'm hoping to be done blogging about Christmas by MLK Day (or by the time I put my Christmas tree away).


  1. I couldn't help but notice in the woodpile picture Joel, who has a good mother, was dressed in a nice warm jacket, and well fitted climate appropriate shoes.... In the same picture your soon to be CPS wards are barefooted and wearing shorts and short sleeves....

  2. Oh man, those Uriah pictures at the end are so stinkin' cute! Aww!
