Saturday, March 17, 2012

Prayer Time

I know, it's been a while since I have blogged. It's been so long since I blogged on a regular basis that I can't remember what stories I have shared and what I haven't. I can't even remember what has happened these last couple of months since I haven't been blogging them! Yikes! I'm not even going to attempt to recap the last 2 months (you're welcome), but I will share this little memory from a while back...

Every night we do prayer time with the kids, and for the last few months the girls each take a turn and pray. It typically goes something like this:

Harper's prayers: "Dear God, God made Emerson and Harper sooo special! God made me wonderful! I AM SO WONDERFUL! I AM SO BEAUTIFUL! The end."

(Harper with her "Potty Training Incentive" Barbie. If I haven't blogged about potty training her, it's because it's too painful to remember.

Emerson's prayers: "Dear God. Thank you for Harper and Emerson and Dane and Aidan and Mommy and Daddy. Thank you for my bed and my panda blanket and my pretty pillow and my pajamas with the princess on it. Thank you for my fan and for my shower and my pretty hair. Thank you for dance class and Miss Sarah and Miss Kylie and I am going to kindergarten next year." It's around this point that I try to cut in with a well timed, "In Jesus name we pray..." prompt. One night I got busted though. "MOMMY! I AM NOT DONE PRAYING." Having appropriately rebuked her mother, she went on several more minutes and finished her prayer, having thanked God for every single object in her bedroom. It reminded me of the times when I am talking on the phone with Brandon, and he starts saying, "Okay, I love you" repeatedly. That's his cue that he is done talking on the phone and ready to get off.

The girls, dressed in their "so beautiful" (Christmas) dresses to go out for Chinese New Year. We took them to eat, you guessed it, Chinese food.

I'm hoping that, despite my computer's persistent refusal to allow me to post photos, that I will get my bloggy groove back.


  1. I've missed your blogs! So glad to have a smile tonight!

  2. Thank you for the update! I've missed your quirky retelling of the manical things that happen in your home. LOVE YOU SIX!

  3. Nothing goes better with a pretty red party dress than pink boots.... Your blog is going to make some shrink rich someday.....

  4. Ish does the whole "i love you" cough, cough, phone conversation over... thing too! I'm not alone!
