Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter continued...

We had an awesome Easter this past Sunday, filled with everything Easter should be filled with: church, friends, Starburst jelly beans, family time, little girls in dresses and hairbows, boys in "shirts with a collar", picture taking, egg hunting, and Easter baskets.

And we managed to train Harper to shout "Jesus is alive!" when we ask her about Easter.
Please forgive my pictures. The flash on my camera only works about a third of the time, and the other two-thirds of the time I just take really bad pictures.

Aidan got a new hat that he insisted on wearing the entire day. On the band on the hat is a little gold pin in the shape of a rabbit.

He asked several people at church on Sunday if they "liked his new hat with stripes and a golden bunny on it". Love that kid.

Even when he makes faces like this for most of his pictures.

My Dane has another loose tooth. This one's been loose for about a month.

He's been training with Brandon (every now and then) to run a 5k next month.

He didn't believe me when I told him that if he sneezed his face would stick this way:

I can't get over how much older Emerson looks in this picture than she did last Easter.

Gone is whatever was left of the sweet toddler with the baby fat, replaced by this lean little girl.

(Sidenote: we've recently switched the kids back onto whole milk, in an effort to put a little meat on these kiddos' bones. They are all great eaters, but we still see a lot of little ribs and bony legs running around.)

One little Easter-celebrater did not want to take pictures with Mommy, so I basically had to chase her around the front yard with my camera for a few minutes.

In what is becoming an annual Easter tradition, the kids all got beach towels and swimsuits in their baskets.

Harper has not let this pink tu-tu swimsuit out of her sight since Sunday.

We rounded out our Sunday with an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.

Emerson had the honor of finding the very last egg, that no one else could find, inside this football glove.

She was just a little proud of herself, shouting "Boo-yah!" at her brothers when she found that last egg. That's my girl :)

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter weekend!


  1. Great pictures-- glad Blogger is finally letting you share! Love all those sweet kiddos and their parents too! Happy Easter! :)

  2. Love, love, love all those pictures! Great pics of everyone!
