Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby Parker

A couple of weeks after Labor Day, this happened:
My baby seester Lindy and her husband Andy had another leetle girl (for those keeping track, this is four new nieces in 19 months.  It's called a TV in the bedroom, people.)
And yes, this is what she looks like mere seconds after having a baby.  Of course.  

Baby Parker Jean could not be more perfect, and I cannot wait to FINALLY meet her in just 5 short days.
 And I can't wait to spend a little time with Parker's big sister, for that matter, either!


  1. What pretty Leetle girls.... Their Pappy must be thrilled... And there is nothing like birth control from a woman that had 4 kids in 6 years...

  2. Ha ha ha! And you love every second of your aunt-dom!
