Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wedding Weekend

Sometimes I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.  Or in this case, and entire week.  Last weekend, my family descended into my neck of the woods, to celebrate my cousin getting married in town.  Sheets were washed.  Babysitters were booked.  Groceries were bought.  We rehearsal-dinnered at Pappadeaux on Friday night (child-free steak dinner with family?  Yes, please!), then Saturday morning I FINALLY got to meet baby Parker.

And I didn't put her down until sometime after lunch on Sunday.  And then only because she had to leave to go back home.  I am so thankful that our siblings keep having cute babies for me to hold.  Saturday got underway with a requesite Cousin Picture at the park.

Some cousins were more excited about the picture than others.

And I'm slightly frightened that Aidan is now a "big cousin" and finds himself in charge of baby-wrangling.

How prolific are our families?  Harper has 6 cousins YOUNGER than her.

Lindy, Andy and the girls:

We played at the park for a few minutes after pictures, then I attempted to get a cute picture of just my four.

There's always one who wants to do exactly her own thing...

After pictures, we changed clothes and headed out to the snowcone stand before going to my aunt and uncle's house for munchies and chatting.  Yes, we stopped and got snowcones on the way becuase my precious stand closes on Halloween so we are seizing the day, so to speak.  Making every moment count, if you will.  Supporting our local snowcone economy.  And then we stopped by my aunt and uncle's house.  After several hours of the chatting and grazing, my aunt loaded me up with a bag of lefovers (including about 30 hot dogs and a gallon-size bag of rolls) we headed home to get cleaned up for the wedding, and left two unsuspecting babysitters with seven kids for the evening. 

The wedding iteself was beautiful, at one of those pretty outside-venue locations a mere 10 minutes from my house that I didn't even know existed.  Perfect weather, good music, baby-holding, giant trees with those twinkly lights, and good company made for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.  And Brandon wore a suit without us having to go to a funeral.  And look how pretty the six of us look all dressed up.
Please excuse my awkward jazz hands.  

GG, Brandy, and John...
Me and my cousin Gretchen...
Me and Brandon...

We may have run out of gas on the way home, nothing a cooperative babysitter with a garage-gas can can't handle.  :)

Sunday morning we eventually got ourselves out of the house in time to meet Pappy for donuts before church.  We celebrated Pappy's birthday by letting him buy us all donuts and then sticking him at the kids' table.

After church, the birthday celebration continued back at my house, with the girls blowing out candles on Pappy's half-eaten chocolate pie.

My brother and mom got the munchies and had to sample the chocolate pie before we got donuts.  Are you sensing a theme here?  Snowcones before munchies.  Pie before donuts.  My people are fans of eating sweets at inappropriate times.  We are not deterred if it happens to be someone else's birthday pie.  We WILL eat it before breakfast. 

Eventually everyone got in their cars and went back home on Sunday, and Brandon and I (okay, maybe just me) curled up on the couch and stared at a football game for a few minutes and (unsuccessfully) tried to not eat leftover chocolate birthday pie for dinner.  Congratulations, Josh and Meredith!  Thanks for getting married so I could see my family!


  1. You got some great photos there! Love the grown-up pictures and the beautiful shot of just you two. Once we have kids, the adults seem to disappear from pictures! : )

  2. That first picture is a very rare photo of the North American Baby Hog..... Normally they are surrounded by aunts, mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers trying to get the baby back...
    Your father seems like a wonderful man...
