Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Aidan

Okay, so I realized my last few posts have been rather "Dane-centric." So this morning's post will be about my sweet Aidan. Here are a few things about him I will probably forget after awhile:

At 2 1/2, he's talking so much right now. It doesn't always make sense, but there are a lot of words. Some of his most frequently used phrases: "Dane hit me" (even if he didn't). "I got poo-poo" (we're working on this one).

He insists on wearing underwear over his diaper. Otherwise, he couldn't be a Ninja Turtle. Obviously.

His favorite movie is Lion King, his favorite show is Diego.

He has a blankie with an alligator on it that he has to sleep with every night. At bedtime, he says a prayer on his own "for the GGs". The kids at church took a trip to a nursing home last year and handed out "prayer bears" for residents, and each child got a prayer bear also. The children pray for the people that live in the nursing home at night when they see the prayer bears. GG is what they call my grandma, so the prayer became "praying for all the GGs".

His best friend in the world is his big brother.

Aidan has weird eating habits. The only meat he will eat is chicken nuggets, and he prefers to eat fruits and vegetables. (How can this be my son?) He won't even eat hot dogs, ham sandwiches, nothing. We gave him a couple of Thin Mints (it's Girl Scout Cookie time!) yesterday, and he licked them and handed them to Brandon. What kind of kid won't eat Thin Mints? But he will eat dried blueberries and cherries by the handful.

He still naps in his crib, and when he wakes up, he plays and rocks back and forth in his bed until we get him out. We can hear the crib rocking against the wall from downstairs. He would do this all day if we let him. He's perfectly capable of climbing out of his crib and coming downstairs, like he has done a hundred times before, but he prefers to stay in after naps. He comes by this habit honestly. I am told that Brandon used to rock his crib clear across the room when he was little.

He's the cutest 2 year old in the world. I can't possibly be biased because I am his mother.

1 comment:

  1. When I think of sweet little boys independently praying for all the widows in the world the first image that comes to mind is him flying through the air brandishing a tomahawk.
