Sunday, April 20, 2008

Brandon's Birthday Weekend

Brandon turned 30 yesterday, and while we had planned to have a very low-key family celebration with just the 4 of us, everyone else had other ideas.  This is what was waiting for Brandon at his office on Thursday:
This morning at church, I was told by one of our youth leaders to get the boys and bring them outside at the beginning of 2nd service, which is usually when we have high school class.  I went out there to find about 50 of our kids and youth leaders waiting to surprise Brandon with matching shirts and a birthday cake.  He was VERY surprised.  He had absolutely no idea.  Here is his "I'm VERY surprised an I had absolutely no idea" face:
The shirts everyone had on were black, the front said "Brandon is 30" with a likeness of Brandon as a bobble-head, and then it had the Bible verse that says "I was young and now I am old".  Here are some of our girls modeling their new shirts:
The back of the shirts say:
And what kind of cake does my very mature 30-year old husband need?  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, naturally.  
Here is me and the oldest husband I have ever had:
After the impromptu party, we went back inside and the kids roasted Brandon.  There seemed to be a lot of stories about Brandon accidently breaking kids' arms, as well as a couple of "weird things our youth minister has said after he takes his Ambien" stories.   Hmmm...  Thanks wonderful youth leaders for such a memorable birthday!


  1. Mandy,
    Sunny here! Love seeing pics of you guys and your boys are sooo adorable. Wow, you and Brandon look the same!
    The pic of Brandon reading to the boys in an earlier post is absolutely adorable. Well, in honor of Brandon's B-day I think I'll go Bark like a dog really loud and real like!
    Oh my gosh that is constant memory of mine that I pull out when I need a good laugh.

  2. Sunny is crackin' me up. Seriously ... I called her last night and asked her what she was doing. She said she was reading your blog and laughing because your pictures were so cute, and she could see Brandon in her mind barking like a dog. You guys look great. Happy Birthday, Brandon!!!

  3. Great picture of you two, Mandy! Love y'all...see you this weekend!
